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Ohio State Medical Board Physician Assistant Supervision Agreement

Ohio State Medical Board Physician Assistant Supervision Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you are a physician assistant (PA) practicing in the state of Ohio, it is crucial to understand the rules and regulations surrounding your supervision agreement with a physician. The Ohio State Medical Board has specific requirements that must be followed to ensure safe and effective patient care.

What is a Physician Assistant Supervision Agreement?

In Ohio, PAs must work under the supervision of a licensed physician. The physician and PA must enter into a formal supervision agreement, which outlines the details of the relationship between the two professionals.

The agreement must be reviewed and updated annually by both parties and submitted to the Ohio State Medical Board for approval. The board will review the agreement to ensure that it complies with state laws and regulations.

What Must be Included in a Supervision Agreement?

The Ohio Administrative Code outlines the minimum requirements for a supervision agreement between a physician and PA. The agreement must include:

- Name of the physician and PA

- Scope of practice for the PA

- Specific tasks that the PA is authorized to perform

- Frequency and method of communication between the physician and PA

- Delegation of prescription writing authority

- Procedures for handling medical emergencies

- Procedures for handling patient referrals

- Requirements for continuing education and training

- Termination of the agreement

It is important to note that the physician is ultimately responsible for the care provided by the PA, regardless of the details outlined in the supervision agreement.

What are the Consequences of Non-Compliance?

The Ohio State Medical Board takes compliance with supervision agreements very seriously. Failure to comply with the requirements outlined in the agreement can result in disciplinary action by the board, including fines and suspension or revocation of licensure.

Additionally, if a PA practices outside of the scope of their supervision agreement, they may be held liable for medical malpractice.

In Conclusion

As a PA practicing in Ohio, it is crucial to understand the requirements for a supervision agreement with a physician. You must ensure that your agreement is updated annually and complies with state laws and regulations.

Following the rules set forth by the Ohio State Medical Board will not only ensure the safety and well-being of your patients but also protect your licensure and professional reputation.

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